Just one extra good deed per week by each American - what a difference that would  make in our wonderful country. Let's shoot for that one good deed, starting today; something even as simple as a smile.  


Click each component of the Decision Cycle for a description.


Action requires both planning and execution, and that is where the “fun” begins. Why? Everything that you have prepared for all of your life has created your “skill set”, and the first 5 steps in the decision cycle will be utilized in the planning and execution of your goal. The possibility of achieving your goal is in proportion to the level of determination and commitment you, and the entire team, bring to executing your Plan.

During the “Action Phase”, most projects will result in reports and feedback concerning progress and results. Such reports must be viewed as “New Information” to be analyzed for indicating the need for possible changes in your Plan Of Action.


Good luck!

Go for it!

Go to the next step in the cycle,  “New Information”


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Copyright © 2009 Do The Right Thing America
Last modified: 12/14/09