Just one extra good deed per week by each American - what a difference that would  make in our wonderful country. Let's shoot for that one good deed, starting today; something even as simple as a smile.  


Read and post stories on how you or a friend did the right thing!


Read stories on the DTRTA Blog here...




  We are looking for positive stories of encouragement to inspire Doing The Right Thing. We would like to hear about being faced with a challenge and had a choice of doing the right thing or not. And by Doing The Right Thing was harder however the result, which could have been even years later, was positive and please share what was learned from that experience.  Read stories...

  Doing the right thing could also mean when your boss or co-worker takes pens or small office supplies without permission steer them to this site. Give them one of our promotional reminders as a gift.

  The positive nature of hopefully will shed light on how it affects them and their family.



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Copyright © 2009 Do The Right Thing America
Last modified: 11/15/09